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The Colorful & Charming Art of
Susan Elizabeth Jones
Let's Paint!
You are an Artist. We are all Artists. Join me on this fun, colorful, and creative journey and experience the joy of bringing life to your imagination and inspiration.
Allow me to be your guide to in-person classes and workshops or on-line classes and demonstrations offered through Patreon.
Creative Journey
A little about me...
HI! I'm Susan.... a painter, writer, creative awakener, and a vintage, southern soul seeking beauty, joy, light, and a little bit of sparkle and magic in every day life.
More than a decade ago, I vowed to take the road less traveled and only fill my days with what brings joy and contentment which led to becoming a blessing counter, a historic cottage dweller in a small town in Tennessee, a dog rescuer, a gardener, a student of history, a collector of vintage Limoges, a front porch swing reader, and a full-time artist and painting instructor.
But I'm getting ahead of myself. If you are interested in the whole story, put the kettle on, steep some tea, and allow me to share with you my creative journey and inspiration ....